Grants & Awards

The Torrey Botanical Society offers several awards each year in support of graduate student botanical research, undergraduate and graduate botanical training, and the dissemination of knowledge through symposia. Each of these awards is detailed below and application to each requires membership in the Society. You can become a member of the Torrey Botanical Society online or by mailing in a membership form downloaded from this website or obtained from a copy of the journal.

Torrey Botanical Society Graduate Student Research Fellowship
($2,500, $1,500, and $1,000)

The Torrey Botanical Society supports student research with three annual awards ($2,500, $1,500, and $1,000). Graduate students of plant science who are members of the Society are eligible to apply for an award. This award must be used to help pay the costs of field work. Applications will be judged by a committee of the Council of the Society, and recipients will be announced before 1 April each year.


Torrey Botanical Society Andrew M. Greller Graduate Student Research Award for Conservation of Local Flora and Ecosystems

Andrew M. Greller is a past president of the Torrey Botanical Society, and a longtime expert on the flora of the New York metropolitan region. Through generous donations to the Society since 2009, Dr. Greller has created an award for graduate student research. In order to honor Dr. Greller, the Society established the Andrew M. Greller Graduate Student Research Award for Conservation of Local Flora and Ecosystems ($1,000 annually).


Torrey Botanical Society Undergraduate and Graduate Student Training Fellowship

The Torrey Botanical Society supports student training with an annual award of $1,000. Undergraduate and graduate students of plant science who are members of the Society are eligible to apply for this award. The award must be used to help pay the cost of taking courses at a biological field station. Applications will be judged by a committee of the Council of the Society, and recipients will be announced before 1 April each year.


Torrey Botanical Society Symposium Award

The Torrey Botanical Society supports an annual symposium award of $1,000. Applicants will be judged by a committee of the Council of the Society, and recipients will be announced before 1 April each year.